Welcome to KMTC group, we provide a wide range of educational online courses in Professional Certification, leadership solutions and English languages development.



Fuel your career ascent: Master certification exams in cost engineering, estimating, project management, planning, scheduling, and value engineering for a strategic and practical edge.

English Courses

Enhance your language skills and leadership capabilities with our General English & Leader Future Course, offering comprehensive online English courses for personal and professional development.

Wide Variety of Courses

Whether you’re looking for technical training, a best practice seminar, or a management course, we can help. All of our courses are customizable for your needs to make sure you leave with relevant skills.

Highly Qualified Educators

We know that learning is easier when you have an excellent teacher. That’s why most of our educators have achieved an advanced degree in their field. Our instructors are passionate about the subjects they teach and bring this enthusiasm into their seminars and courses.

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